‘Take Care of Yourself’ Health and Wellbeing Event
Hosted by LCiL
Hosted by LCiL
Life Links’ Recovery Workers Ravina and Jess joined LCiL at the ‘Take Care of Yourself’ Health and Wellbeing Event hosted at the West End Centre on Friday 29th November.
The event was sincere and welcoming, with everyone being able to converse and enjoy a heart warming lunch in the cold winter weather. It was full of vibrant energy and activity tables where people were able to sit and create Christmas crafts! There was a lovely market stallhere people were able to take various staple foods.
Thank you to anyone who visited our stand, it was phenomenal to see the overwhelming support. It was certainly a great and enjoyable event to attend.
“It was great to meet so many inspirational and empowering individuals, along with finding out more about other services and how they can help others. Networking provided an insight into how we can work together further with other services to keep providing and excelling within our own service here at Leicester Life Links.” Ravina Sohal and Jessica Headley, recovery workers.